Friday, May 15, 2009

A momma's thoughts and feelings

Today is Elianna's 1st birthday. I can hardly believe that the time has gone by this fast, and I often wish there was a pause button on my girls. I could just slow time down and hold them close forever. Then I think about Who gave them to me and what plans their Heavenly Father has for them and I can then relax knowing that He has them in His great big capable hands. I know that I can't keep them small forever because they wouldn't be able to fulfill everything that God designed for them.

I often think about how much I want my girls to be happy and find what they want and were designed to do in this life, but when I do I know I am only scratching the surface of what Abba (papa) wants for them. I love them so much that it sometimes hurts. They are a part of me. I see myself in my girls and different things they do remind me of myself. Sometimes that is a good thing and then there are other times when I am ashamed and wish they hadn't picked up some of my bad habits. They say things a lot that sound just like me and it is funny to hear a small child parroting me especially when they aren't 100% sure of what it means, but just knowing that Momma said it and said it was true.....

As time goes by I realize more and more how the parallels between us and our children and us and God are so close. I am convinced that He designed it that way. I know that He wanted to give us a glimpse of what it is like to love someone so much that you would die for them, yet His love is much greater then even a Momma's. Sometimes I wonder how that could could a love so great exist? He is an awesome God and His love is unfathomable!

We all have certain gifts and talents that come from God. I mean, if you think about it, we are all like a little extension of the great talent He is. Music, art, writing, speaking, gardening, photography, and many more that I could name. So like seeing yourself in your kids, our Father sees Himself in us which is just amazing to me.

We can also speak like He does and say the things He does because we know He is our Father and what he says is true. We may not always understand it or know why it's true, but if He said it then it is so. Many times when I was young I would ask "Why?" when told to do something or that we couldn't do something. I remember my Dad saying, "Because I said so", or "Because, that's why". Now that I am older, I know that he couldn't always explain "why" to me. I was too young to understand what his adult mind already knew. I didn't always like his answer, but now I know there are things that just have to be done "because". I do try to explain things to my girls in their terms if I can, but there are times when I just have to tell them "because" like my Dad did. So many times that is how I feel with God. I ask "Why?", when things happen that I don't understand or that I wish wouldn't be a certain way. God is not required to answer or "why's?". We are to trust Him and lean on His love for us knowing that He will take care of us as he says in His Word......

So now I have rambled and rambled, but it was just all stuff in my spirit and I wanted to put it out here....I hope it made some sense and that you can see my heart in it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A "little" blessing

I just wanted to give God thanks for a blessing He gave us yesterday. Kary and I are planning a camping trip for our family in May. We have a tent that is quit old and has some holes that we were going to have to repair so we decided to look into getting new one for a reasonable price.

We really didn't have the extra money to buy a tent, but we did need one in order to go on our camping trip. We are taking our kids to camp because Kary and I have camped all our growing up years and we want our girls to have the same great memories. I love being outdoors and it is such a great feeling to be so close to nature and God's creation.

We looked online and found a tent that was about $140 which was more then we wanted to spend, but we really liked it. A few days later we went to Target to look at it and see what else they had. When we got there we discovered that there was only one left of the one we liked and it was on SALE! It was now $70. That was much more in our price range, but we really didn't have the extra cash right then. We decided to wait and see if it would still be there when Kary got paid again. It was kinda hard to leave it because it was such a good deal we were just sure that someone would buy it before then.

Kary went to work the next day and had a business meeting. In the meeting they asked what the TSYS vision was and no one answered. So Kary raised his hand and gave the answer, and the meeting went on. After the meeting was over he was given a $50 visa gift card! It was just one of those sweet blessings from God and it was just at the right time. So the tent cost us about $24 with taxes and all.

I couldn't help but feel God smiling on us and trying to tell us that He is watching out for even the smallest desires of our hearts. I think it was just a glimpse of some of the things he wants to bless us with in this coming year. He is a faithful God and weather or not we see the little
blessings that he pours out is up to us......


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life is a journey

Life is a journey not a destination and of that I am so glad. If this was all there was to look forward to then I would be so disappointed in life, but there is so much more to it. I was doing the dishes the other day and was thinking about where I am now in my life and where all I have been. I wasn't thinking so much of where I have been in geography, but where my spirit has been. The ideas, thoughts, relationships and spiritual places I have been.

The journey of life happens everyday and sometimes I take it for granted or let it pass by way too fast. This journey is all about relationship and serving the Almighty God. There have been so many times that I am in a particular place in this journey that I have such narrow vision I cannot see the beautiful "scenery" around me.

You know sometimes life is hard and things look bleak, but if we take just a minuet to look around we are bound to see SOMETHING that is beautiful. I have just been coming out of a very hard and rough battle that has taught me so much...more then I could or would ever want to put into words. When things would look so bad, there would be a little reminder here and there to look around and see the beauty even in the midst of the battle. Battle fields are a terrible and ugly place, but even in those there can be encouragement that God is there.....
