I was in a time of prayer and meditating on the Lord the other day and felt the Lord telling me to read the story of Ezekiel 37 again...the valley of dry bones. It is an amazing passage of scripture and captured me because the song of Ezekiel has really been in my spirit lately.
The Lord Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. He loves to resurrect, and if that's the case then there has to something to resurrect! In the chapter the Lord told Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones. The Lord could have just resurrected them without Ezekiel's prophecy, but He chooses to use His people to speak His Word into the earth. Lord, let me have ears to hear what You would say!
During our conference, Paul Keith spoke about prophesying to the land, to our loved ones, and circumstances. There is something very powerful that happens when the people of God speak the words of Truth and Life into the atmosphere around us, as Ezekiel proved to us in chapter 37. The dry bones came together, then the sinews came, then the skin covered them. They were whole....but still not living....
The Lord then told him to prophesy to the wind, the four winds, the breath of God to breathe into the slain that they may live!!! Just like God breathed life into Adam in the Garden, He is breathing life into His body around the globe so that they may live again and go forth to do His will.God spoke through Ezekiel, but it was God's Words and Breath that brought the bones together and eventually brought life back into them.
We are to be His Body on the earth....a many-membered Body of Christ doing His will. Those of His people that have been slain in battle are going to rise again. Those who have lost all hope, those who have been cut off from Life are to live again when we prophesy life and the breath of God back into them!!!
I have been one who was cut off and had lost all hope. 2009 was a year that I pray I never repeat! I was bound and in the devil's prison. I had swallowed lie after lie of the devil's and he had my ear so no truth could get through. God used Paul Keith to speak over me and the Lord breathed His breath of Life on me. I could feel my spirit coming alive again! All I can say is it was like going from a pitch black room to full sunlight, and I was almost blinded by the brilliance. It took me a little bit to get used to the Light again!
Yet the battle wasn't over for me. My spirit man was weak from the stupor of my deathlike state. I had to slowly begin to climb again and eat of the manna of the Word with faith, trusting that He would bring me all the way out by His strength!!! I was renewed, but had to keep pressing forward and not allowing myself to become entangled again.
I am so grateful to the Lord for His delivering power and for the GRACE He shows His children. I am His, and He is breathing His life through me. The Lord Jesus is resurrecting His Bride to walk out His will in the earth!